Philips oral healthcare b2b


A female dentist sitting in a chair in her dentistry room

Philips needed help to identify which digital capabilities & experiences should be built to address the needs of the Oral Healthcare B2B business unit. More specifically: Identify unmet customer needs in the customer journeys for key audiences. Working together with the Valtech team, I’ve helped with:

- Co-designing the future-proof journeys and identifying missing capabilities

- Detail out the capabilities and help Philips plan their implementation

- Align key stakeholders across the business units by collaborating with them We've run a series of Service blueprint workshops with the business unit stakeholders to identify pain points & opportunities.

Main activities:

- Co-creation workshops to define future state journeys and missing capabilities

- Visualization of the future state journeys with storyboards - UX design of the missing capabilities through low-fidelity wireframes

- Backlog and roadmap creation

- Mapping critical assumptions and providing recommendations for solving the key challenges

Selected Work


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